약 Talking Tip Calculator Deluxe
Talking Tip Calculator
After downloading too many tip calculators that did not meet a basic standard; we decided to develop a tip calculator that is complete and has even more additional features than the other ones!
With this application’s simple to use interface you will be able to calculate the tip with the amount you want for your bill instantly. Also, you will have the option to split the bill evenly in as many parties as you need. Unlike other similar applications; some of the additional main features are:
-Talking calculator. Many people complain of not being able to see clear which button they are pressing. With this application the problem is over! Every time a number is entered you have the option of hearing what number was entered.
-Date and Time record. Every bill you create automatically gets the date and time entered automatically. This is perfect not only for personal reminder, but also for accounting and business expenses purposes! Such a simple detail that other applications left behind and can be so crucial!
-Share the information automatically. With a quick tap of a button an email can be sent with the bills’ information, including the total amount with and without tip, how many ways it was split, and how much each party paid. This is perfect not only for a personal reminder but for sending it to your boss as a business expense, or your accountant to keep record.
-Save a copy of the results for future reference. A graphic version of the results can be automatically saved as a picture for future accounting use. This version can also be shared with your boss, accountant or the other people with whom the bill was split. (Please see the second image preview)
We are constantly working on improving this and our other applications. Also, we are always looking for great ideas to help simplify and enjoy life with your iPhone. Please feel free to share any ideas or suggestions you may have. Bon Apetite!